Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Traffic Light Failure Along Miri-Bintulu Road Causes Extreme Car-DodgeBall Tournament

The traffic lights along Miri-Bintulu road at the Riam intersection has been out for several days now. We really have no idea why that intersection isn't working, but we can just blame it on Ultraman. Because that's just what we do.

Authorities took swift action to hang up the "lights not working" sign on the second day, so that it is confirmed to be - yup - officially broken. And uh, that was pretty much it.

The worst part is the intersection is directly in front of the new police station. And while the police have been directing traffic there, they are really only present during the rush hours, so the rest of the time they are not involved and drivers are forced to adept to the situation by playing Car Dodgeball.

It is a very fun game where everyone tries to avoid one another and involves just one strategy. The strategy is to creep right into the middle of the intersection so they will block everyone else and get a free pass while trying to avoid hitting one another. The only problem with this strategy is that everyone else is doing the same strategy; so that causes the traffic to go into a deadlock because everyone else is using the same strategy so effecively.

Unlike DodgeBall however, Car Dodgeball rules are slightly different in that there is no ball, and everyone is out to trying to dodge everyone else, because if you hit them you lose Car DodgeBall. And possibly your life. Or worse yet, your insurance NCD (No Claims Discounts) - because Malaysians just love discounts above all else.

Play Car DodgeBall safely, everyone!

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